D.1: Internal Quotation Marks
D.1(a): Clarifying “internal quotation mark(s) omitted”
The “internal quotation mark(s) omitted” parenthetical is used to indicate that the quoted material actually omits quotation marks. It does not mean that the author is quoting a quote from another source. This requires a “quoting” parenthetical.
D.1(b): Noting Omissions
Whenever internal quotation marks are omitted (irrespective of the nature of the quotation), this must be indicated with a parenthetical: (internal quotation marks omitted). In a situation where the TLR quote is only omitting one quotation mark, the parenthetical should read: (internal quotation mark omitted).

D.1(c): Using Single or Double Quotation Marks
- Internal quotation marks in a block quote should be double (“).
- By contrast, internal quotation marks in non-block quotes should be single (‘).
- This pertains to the first layer of internal quotation marks. Each subsequent layer would be the opposite of what came before.