In the 1927 debut volume of Temple Law Quarterly (later renamed Temple Law Review), Charles E. Beury, then-university president, pleaded to current and future editors: “Talk Temple! Talk Temple and—write Temple! Do everything in your power to make our University known . . . .” Almost a century later, Temple Law Review still heeds this call to “write Temple” as this university embodies a spirit of changemaking warranting recognition. In particular, Temple University Beasley School of Law, through its creation of numerous trailblazing initiatives, has been in the vanguard of the university’s spirit of changemaking. Examples of some of these initiatives include the two topics of this Symposia Issue: the Abraham L. Freedman Fellowship Program and the Center for Public Health Law Research. Although Temple established these initiatives thirty-five years apart, both exemplify how the law school has strived to fill gaps in legal academia. Consistent with these two examples, Temple Law Review strives to maintain Temple’s spirit of changemaking and fill similar gaps by not only publishing timely, cutting-edge legal scholarship but also working to break down barriers.
Brittany R. Steane is the Editor-in-Chief of Temple Law Review, Volume 92.