In general, TLR uses the citation formats set forth in The Bluebook. For grammar and other issues not addressed by The Bluebook or this manual, TLR uses CMOS and Merriam-Webster. Where those sources require, TLR applies our own rules—The Red Rules. The following set of rules do not comprise an exhaustive list of all grammar and citation rules for which TLR members are responsible. Instead, this section addresses TLR’s stylistic rules and clarifies any rules that The Bluebook or CMOS leave open for interpretation. Section IV includes the stylistic rules for (1) grammar and formatting, (2) citations, and (3) quotations. It also includes a helpful set of tips for interpreting Bluebook and CMOS rules on quotations.
Outside authors will not be asked to conform their pieces to The Red Rules themselves but should be aware that TLR will make changes pursuant to these Rules. Student authors are responsible for ensuring that their pieces conform to The Red Rules.
The Red Rules and all content in Section IV should be used to complete cite checks as well as when writing original work, such as comments, notes, or pieces for TLRO. The rules of style should be cited to according to the following convention: Red Rule [Rule Letter].[Rule Number]([sub-letter]). For example, reference to the TLR stylistic use of an en dash (as opposed to a hyphen) to denote a range would be Red Rule A.8(b). Please use this convention to distinguish among the Bluebook, CMOS, M-W, and Red Rules.